Category: Advice
Beat the 7-Second Scan: Crafting a Resume that Breaks Through
Stop Procrastinating Start Networking: Here’s What Successful LinkedIn Networking Looks Like for Women
Executive Search Hack: How to Make Sure Your LinkedIn Is Seen By High-Level Recruiters
Commanding Confidence: Interview Secrets for Aspiring Women Leaders
Exec Women: Here are The Top 3 Ways to Set Your Resume (and Yourself) Apart from the Competition
Have we progressed as women in the workforce? Decades ago, women weren’t often considered as critical high-level leaders. Of course, that mindset is changing. Today,…
Network your way into the high-powered job you deserve in 2023 (no group Zoom calls required)
Using Social Media to Aid Your Job Search: 3 Things Executives and Others Need to Know
Let me ask you something. Did you know that 80% of jobs are filled through networking? From the Director to C-Suite level, the vast majority…
Skip Imposter Syndrome and Move Forward with Your Job Search
Ah, the dreaded imposter syndrome. As women at the top, we know it well. We hear about it all of the time. For executive women,…
7 Things You Need to Take Off Your LinkedIn Profile Asap
Social networking has changed not only the way people act in their personal lives, but also how they engage with each other professionally. In this…